What We've Been Eating

Well for years now I've been making my own salsa, it's quick and it's easy and so much better than what you can buy in the store.  No matter what, I always have the ingredients on hand to make salsa.

Life is just better with salsa, well until we fell in love with Salsa's cousin Pico!  Pico is a little more time consuming, but so worth it.  The last couple of month's I've been perfecting my pico, and adding it with avocados to make guacamole...it's delicious!

How do I make it?

It's equal parts tomatoes and onions, cilantro, 2 jalapeno peppers, fresh lime juice (I use 2 limes) and salt.

Cut the onions first, leaving them on the bottom of the bowl, then the tomatoes, then I combine my cilantro and jalapenos in the food processor and pulse a few times.  Combine with the onions and tomatoes, then squeeze the lime juice on, then salt and mix.....this needs to set up 24 hours or so for best flavor.

(I use Roma tomatoes, because they hold up the best and are easier to cut.....the cutting/chopping makes this time consuming.)

For guacamole, just mash up your avocados and throw some pico in and you're done!  It's that easy...Really!

(The picture is a fresh batch, that hasn't set up yet)

I guess today's theme is Mexican food, sorry if you're not into that!

Chimichangas are my favorite, but I don't like to fry, so I searched for a way to oven bake them and still get the same flavor.  I'm happy to say I found a way to get crispy oven-fried chimichangas.  I have now made two successful batches, one chicken and one ground beef.  Don't make a lot, because they don't reheat (microwave) well. 

To make these you need the large flour tortillas, your filling (meat, rice, cheese...whatever you like) a tablespoon of butter, and either easy release aluminum foil or parchment paper on your cookie sheet.
Pre-heat oven to 400.
Warm up your tortillas
Fill and roll up your tortillas and place on the cookie sheet
Melt butter and brush butter on exposed tortilla, you don't need to butter then underside.  Believe me this doesn't take much butter at all, and a little butter on the outside is a lot less fattening than deep frying, so DO NOT fear the butter!  (I have wondered though if you could spray with olive oil and get the same results...if you try this, please let me know!)
Place in preheated oven for about 20 minutes until golden remove and serve!

Here's mine, with homemade guacamole (using pico) and a chipotle pepper cream sauce that I came up with at the last minute, because I love chipotle peppers!

Let me know what you think.


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