Baby Pillow Tutorial

Okay, it seems like everyone that has a baby now has a Boppy pillow. After seeing them in action, I do not know how I, or my children, ever survived without these miracle devices. Anyway, since the grand daughter will be here in a few months, I've decided to see if it was possible to make one of these wonder pillows. I was able to find a pattern on Pinterest @ this site's instructions were okay, but she only had drawings and I thought pictures might help those of you who are new to printing the patterns and actually putting them together. Here's what you'll need to get started: Scissors Pins Printer, to print the pattern tape 1 1/4 yards of fabric 1 bag of stuffing matching thread Step 1 , print the pattern and cut it out. It will print on 4 pages and you will have to cut each piece out, then tape the pieces together. Step 2 , tape the pattern together matching up the lines. ...